Have you had low back pain? Here’s what you have to know



It is estimated that 75% of us will deal with low back pain at some point in our lifetime. Read on to learn what’s causing it and how physical therapy with Lattimore PT can help.

Low back pain can have significantly varying symptoms that range from a dull/achy pain in the low back, burning or numbness & tingling into one or both legs, as well as muscle spasms, stiffness, and overall intolerance to movement. There are multiple causes and buzzwords surrounding low back pain including herniated discs, spinal stenosis, degenerative disc disease, and sciatica. Let’s take a moment and describe some of these conditions.

Herniated disc: a herniated disc occurs when a stress is placed on the spine and the disc is displaced into a certain direction that then places pressure on a pain sensitive area such as a nerve and can cause symptoms such as pain, tightness, numbness/tingling, weakness to the point of loss of function, and even disruptions in bowel and bladder function in extreme cases. As we age our discs lose water content and become less mobile. As a result of this a lot of times someone 50–60+ may have imaging that shows a disc bulge or degenerative disc changes however this may not be the actual source of their pain or dysfunction which is where the skilled evaluation and differential diagnosis of your physical therapist becomes extremely important.

Spinal stenosis: by definition spinal stenosis is narrowing of one of the canals where either the spinal cord or spinal nerves travel. This narrowing which is caused by degenerative changes of the spine, bone spurs, and normal aging of the discs which causes them to flatten out over time. Once these spaces become narrow and pressure is applied to the nerve patients will experience pain, numbness/tingling, weakness, and even difficulties with balance and motor function.

Spinal stenosis, herniated discs, and soft tissue imbalances (including weakness and/or tightness or core, back, and hip musculature) are some of the most common conditions we treat at Lattimore Physical Therapy. Come experience the Lattimore way where in an initial evaluation one of our highly skilled PTs will spend approximately 1 hour evaluating your condition to differentially diagnose exactly what is going on with your back beyond what an image might show. From this information you’ll leave with a personalized home exercise program created specifically for your needs. With your home exercise program you’ll quickly find yourself on the road to recovery and on the way to feeling good again.

If you haven’t experienced the Lattimore Way for yourself, what are you waiting for? We have 21 locations in 4 counties so we are just minutes away from wherever you work or live. Call us today at 1–888-PT-ROCHS to be automatically directed to the clinic closest to you or visit www.lattimorept.com/location to find one nearest you!



The Lattimore Physical Therapy & Sports Rehabilitation Network was founded by Physical Therapists John and Cindy Shuman in 1992. Since then Lattimore has grown to 20+ locations in 4 different counties.

What’s unique about Lattimore is our patient experience. We tailor your 1:1 treatment around your individual needs, conditions and goals. With us, you’re more than just a number. You’re a member of our local community and we’re invested in your success. Call 1–888-PT ROCHS to experience The Lattimore Way!

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